Exhibit 3: Emotions and Memory in Art (School District: SPS)

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The Exploring Emotions & Memories in Art Exhibit features seven artworks by William Cumming, Mark Tobey, Ray Jensen, Liza von Rosenstiel, Duane Anderson, and Arlene Lev. A range of mediums including paintings, multi-media assemblage, prints, and drawings make up this intimate Exhibit. It provides educators with two sub-units, “Emotions” and “Memories”, for teaching students how to look at and talk about visual art that has feelings as core elements.

Check out the exhibit pictorial for more information.

Keep reading for full program information. Please note the program fee is $200 for all schools with the exception of Title 1. You will be invoiced later.

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The Exploring Emotions & Memories in Art Exhibit features seven artworks by William Cumming, Mark Tobey, Ray Jensen, Liza von Rosenstiel, Duane Anderson, and Arlene Lev. A range of mediums including paintings, multi-media assemblage, prints, and drawings make up this intimate Exhibit. It provides educators with two sub-units, “Emotions” and “Memories”, for teaching students how to look at and talk about visual art that has feelings as core elements.

Check out the exhibit pictorial for more information.

Keep reading for full program information. Please note the program fee is $200 for all schools with the exception of Title 1. You will be invoiced later.

The Exploring Emotions & Memories in Art Exhibit features seven artworks by William Cumming, Mark Tobey, Ray Jensen, Liza von Rosenstiel, Duane Anderson, and Arlene Lev. A range of mediums including paintings, multi-media assemblage, prints, and drawings make up this intimate Exhibit. It provides educators with two sub-units, “Emotions” and “Memories”, for teaching students how to look at and talk about visual art that has feelings as core elements.

Check out the exhibit pictorial for more information.

Keep reading for full program information. Please note the program fee is $200 for all schools with the exception of Title 1. You will be invoiced later.


Northwest Art Project Virtual Orientation: TBA

  • Meet your 2024-25 JLS School Contacts and other schools hosting the JLS Northwest Art Project Exhibits. Get your questions answered, learn about new resources and our dynamic Professional Development Workshops.

  • The Primary Contact and, or at least one representative from each school is required to attend both the virtual orientation and a Professional Development Workshop.

Primary Contact Responsibilities:

Each school must designate a Primary Contact who will be the main contact for the Junior League of Seattle (JLS) School Coordinator.

Please make sure that the Primary Contact that you list is willing to take on the following responsibilities:

  • Arrange for a secure venue, or room (i.e. the library or art room) for the art to be exhibited. The room must be able to be locked during non-school hours. The art does not need to be locked in cases and can be placed on top of stable bookcases or tables.

  • If you need help unloading the art, the JLS Northwest Art Project team will work with the Primary Contact to coordinate a volunteer from the JLS to come out to your school.

  • Be the main point of contact for the JLS Northwest Art School Coordinator. Responsibilities may include providing the name and contact information of the school staff person who will be the point of contact for the delivery of the art (ex. school janitor, or front desk staff) and sharing information about the program with the school staff via email or newsletter.

  • Share supporting digital curriculum materials provided by the JLS on school intranet for download or reference by teachers and / or school art docents. A Curriculum Guide with information about the artists and supporting lessons is in the crate and a digital copy will be shared for teachers to use as a reference.

  • Complete an online evaluation once the art has left your school.

Follow-up Art Lesson:

  • Following a classroom discussion, the classroom teacher and / or school art docent is strongly encouraged to follow-up with a lesson based on the original art. It is recommended that this classroom lesson(s) be taught while the exhibit is still at the school so that students can benefit from referring to the original artwork.

  • The JLS is very interested in seeing images of students' artwork inspired by the Northwest Art Collection. The Primary Contact and / or teachers may be asked to take photographs of student artwork and to email digital copies to the JLS.

Program Fee:  

The program registration fee is $200 for the 2024-25 school year, which will be invoiced to your school after registration. Title 1 schools are eligible for a fee waiver. If a school is on the waitlist and the Collection becomes available, the program fee must be collected by the day the art is delivered.

Questions? Email: nwartproject.jls@gmail.com


About the Junior League’s Northwest Art Collection: A Traveling Art Museum

Impact matters and the Northwest Art Project delivers on the vision of “Inspiring Minds Through Art” in its 61st year. The Junior League of Seattle aims to improve our community in the area of arts and critical thinking to support children as healthy 21st-century learners. Since its inception in 1960, the Junior League’s Northwest Art Collection has toured schools in the greater Seattle area exposing thousands of children to original works by some of the region’s most prominent artists.

The Collection specializes in original Northwest art and includes Northwest masters such as Mark Tobey, Morris Graves, William Cumming, Jacob Lawrence, Dale Chihuly, Sherry Markovitz, Barbara Earl Thomas, and Fay Jones. This unique program enables students and teachers to experience an art museum in a school. Under the guidance of their teachers and, or trained art docents, children are able to discover outstanding original art from the region, to explore a wide range of media in a school setting, and to experience the artistic process first-hand through guided art lessons.