School Information: NW Art Project in the Schools
Each participating school hosts an exhibit of 7-9 artworks for a 4-5 week period. During a typical academic year, the exhibits will be available by region or district, meaning there will be one exhibit available to your school. Should there be a waitlist for your region’s exhibit, we will allow schools outside of an unfilled region to take one of those slots.
The Primary Contact (see below) at the school will unpack the art and arrange the exhibition in a secure, pre-designated space, such as the school library. Should you desire assistance, a Junior League member will come to help you, please allow advance notice to arrange schedules.
Educators from host schools are strongly encouraged to participate in a Professional Development (PD) training session that is specific to the exhibit assigned to their school. The PD sessions teach educators how to lead interactive sessions about visual art. They learn how to guide their students in looking at art, analyzing it, and unlocking its meaning and context. This inquiry-based teaching approach draws out individual responses to works of art and empowers students to trust their own observations, interpretations, and ideas. Classroom teachers, art teachers, and/or the school art docent are expected to lead a follow-up, art-infused lesson based on the original art. Images of each artwork, information about the artists and follow-up lessons that adhere to Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements are included in materials that will be provided electronically to each participating school.
School and Teacher Requirements and Expectations
Primary Contact
Each school must designate a Primary Contact who will be the main contact for the Junior League of Seattle (JLS). Please make sure that your Primary Contact will take on the following responsibilities:
Arrange for a secure venue, or room (i.e. the library) for the art to be exhibited. The room must be able to be locked during non-school hours. The art does not need to be locked in cases and can be placed on top of stable bookcases or tables.
Post and share supporting materials provided by Junior League on school intranet for download or reference by teachers and/or school art docents.
Complete an online evaluation once the art has left your school.
Teachers and School Docents
Please make sure that Teachers and School Art Docents will take on the following responsibilities:
At least 2 teachers and, or PTSA Art Docents from each participating school are strongly recommended to attend the free accompanying Educator Professional Development Workshop held in conjunction with the Program. The ½ day workshop, available for clock hours, supports and augments the Collection and explores art-infused lessons and applications to core curriculum such as Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and Science.
Complete an online evaluation once the art has left your school.
Follow-up Art Lesson
Following a discussion-based session, the teacher and/or school art docent is strongly encouraged to follow-up with lessons based on the original art. It is recommended that this classroom lesson be taught while the exhibit is still at the school so that students can benefit from referring to the original artwork. An electronic Curriculum Guide with information about the artists and supporting lessons will be given as a reference.
The Junior League of Seattle is very interested in seeing images of students’ artwork inspired by the NW Art program. The Primary Contact or teachers may be asked to take photographs of student artwork and to email digital copies to the Junior League of Seattle.