Register for the Upcoming Art Educator Workshop

Exhibit 8: Exploring Earth in Art: Art Inspired by the Environment & Nature

WHO: Open to All Classroom Teachers, Arts Specialists, and PTSA Art Docents.

WHEN:  Saturday, October 29, 9:00 – 1:00 pm 

Early Sign-in starts at 8:45 am. Coffee and Light Refreshments served.

WHERE:  Emily Dickinson Elementary, 7040 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053 - Library

Bring a colleague or three new to art! There are spots for up to 4 Teachers /Educators from each 2022-23 host school.*

Space is limited; please register by the end of the day Thursday, October  27, 2022. If you have additional questions, email

JOIN classroom teachers and arts educators in an interactive workshop to learn how to use visual art to facilitate lively discussions about art that foster creative and critical thinking.

EXPLORE lithograph prints, drawings, and 3-D works by noted NW Artists Jacob Lawrence, Mark Tobey, Glen Alps, and Dale Chihuly to name a few, that will be traveling to schools in Lake Washington and Shoreline Public School Districts.

LEARN how visual art can enrich discussions about our relationship with the natural world and our place in the ecosystem. 

INVIGORATE your curriculum and learn about new ways to connect art to a variety of subject areas such as science, language arts, social studies, and character development, among 


An in-depth look at a selection of original artworks that will be traveling to schools to Lake Washington and Shoreline Public Schools  in 2022-23

Firsthand look at how looking and talking about art builds listening, creative and critical thinking, and communication skills.

An exploration of a wide selection of classroom-ready lessons that are based on WA State Learning Standards for Visual Art, Communication, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies, are in support of the Common Core Standards and objects from the JLS NW Art Collection.

Time for educators to analyze their own curriculum and to find intersections for visual art in subject areas such as language arts, science, and character development among others

Access to a digital link to a copy of a Curriculum Guide with images that can be used independent of the program or, before, during and after the JLS NW Art Collection visits a school.


Igniting Minds Through Art

The JLS NW Art Collection specializes in original art from the Northwest. Since its inception in 1960, the Junior League’s Northwest Art Collection has toured schools in the greater Seattle area exposing children to some of the region’s most prominent artists. Included in this Exhibit, Exploring Nature in Art, are original artworks by Northwest artists, George Tsutakawa, Dale Chihuly and Pierce Milholland among others. The JLS NW Art Project is a unique and innovative program that enables students and teachers to experience an art museum in their own school setting.  Through informal and intimate discussion of our thematically organized exhibits in the school setting, children learn critical thinking and communication skills. 

Each year, schools in King County are invited to host an exhibition of original art from the JLS NW Art Collection.  A school will be the host of a unit of 7-9 original artworks for 3 weeks.  Teachers and school art docents at a host school who have participated in a JLS’s Learning-through-Art Educator Workshop will be able to use skills developed at the workshop to reference the original art while on exhibit, to lead in-depth art-based lessons back in the classroom as well infuse art into other curricula areas. JLS Art Docents may visit your school and lead interactive presentations about the art on view.

REGISTRATION INFORMATION:  All schools have been scheduled for the 2022-23 academic year. Schools interested in hosting the JLS NW Art Collection in the future should attend the Learning Through Art Workshop. Registration for the 2023-24 school year will take place in the spring of 2023.

Celebration of Heritage, 1992 by Jacob Lawrence

Reminder: At least one teacher from a school that will be hosting the JLS NW Art Collection Exhibit 4 Program in the 2022-23 academic year is required to attend the workshop so that they may become familiar with the Collection, learn how to engage their students with the art and be able to plan classroom lessons before, during and after the Collection visits their school.  

Bring a colleague or three new to art! There are spots for up to 4 Teachers /Educators from each 2022-23 host school. 

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Clock Hours (PSESD): 3.5 Clock Hours (3 Additional Supplemental Virtual PDs will be offered in February, March, and April (1.5 CH each) and optional Asynchronous Lessons (up to 8 CH). (up to 16 Clock Hours available)

*Please send us an email if your school would like to exceed this number because we may be able to accommodate your team!

**Highly recommended for teachers who would like to host the Program in the future.